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Why smart citizens forum ?


The Forum for Smart Citizens is a civil society initiative to develop Bhubaneswar into the jewel of the east – a city where the citizens are at par with the best in the world in terms of traffic discipline, cleanliness, eco-friendliness, and work ethics. It will also partner with the Government in making the city safe, disciplined and efficient. It will act as a bridge between the various stakeholders – the government, the people, the organised and the unorganised sectors of the society – for a holistic developmental agenda.


As a first step, it is engaged with the problem of traffic congestion which is fast becoming a major concern of the city. As a part of the civil society initiative, it has taken up awareness drive about traffic rules in a structured manner as follows:

It is partnering with the DAV, Chandrasekharpur for reaching out to school children of Bhubaneswar.

It is working with the Auto-rickshaw Drivers’ Associations to educate drivers of autos about an orderly flow of traffic.

It proposes to contact the various neighbourhood associations in order to work with them for spreading awareness among the citizens.

It is partnering with the Indo German Focal Point in its mission to achieve zero accident at workplaces and on the roads.

Now that you know about us, we want to get to know you. Find out how you can get involved with our work today!

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